Lorenzo Ghiberti (c. 1378 - 1455): Artist and Entrepreneur
Join art historian, Dr. Gary Radke, on a journey to ancient Florence to learn about Ghiberti's creative energies and his impact on Renaissance art.
Course Description
FREE PREVIEWCourse Objectives
FREE PREVIEWSuggested Reading
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Lesson 1: Lorenzo Ghiberti: A Talent for Charm
FREE PREVIEWLesson 1 Readings
Lesson 1 Recording
Lesson 2: 1401-1424: The Competition Panels and the North Doors of the Florentine Baptistery
Lesson 2 Readings
Lesson 2 Recording
Lesson 3: 1410-1429: Ghiberti at Orsanmichele
Lesson 3 Readings
Lesson 4: Making, Restoring, and Displaying the Gates of Paradise
Lesson 4 Readings